Sunday, July 29, 2007


I wish to talk to God
My tears, a tribute to Him
In all the beauty, He is lost
I want a meaning in his scheme.
He hears my heart pounding
And sends me rain as I say,
Am I worthy in front of Him?
Does he know what I pray?
In these drops from the sky
I see my life in this rain,
Thrust away from the heavens
Skies weeping with some pain.
Smiling all along this descent,
Weightless drops of rain,
Scatter upon the ground beneath,
Oblivion, is all they gain.
As they ride this humid air
These fragile drops of rain
Loosing their souls clean
They carry a hidden stain.
My tears find their soulmates
In these fleeting drops of rain,
Help me to try and live
To God I shall pray again.


Parthajeet Das said...

tears and rain drops...good thought

unreasonable_parent said...

Dude..ur words tell the story of ur heart.. dont b so emotional its a phase of life which will pass and you might start enjoying rains very soon...

Anonymous said...

dude nice poem.. it reflects the agony of ur heart and i can very well understand it...