Tuesday, April 03, 2007

my early morning walks

I ponder alone
Where have the days gone?
In them, my past stalks,
Those early morning walks,
Where all the memories pool,
I see, how I went to school?
Those simple dresses,
In sleepy eyes, lots of wishes,
Those small feet,
Clouds of dust, my only fleet,
By smooth silky flowing hair
Annexing the kingdom of air,
In the Innocence of those smiles
I jumped life by a million miles.

The sea swept over the brim,
My heart, torn through the seam,
I want to feel the same again,
Heavy books, were my only pain.
The buzz of the breeze,
The dance of the geese,
Those huge swiveling trees
In my kingdom, lay these.
When Me and God made a pair,
And left others to care.
As all life appeared fair,
I saw no room for despair,
Now, I ponder alone,
Where have those days gone?

1 comment:

worldofsudeep said...

great composition javed bhai...captures all the childhood memories..keep on writing such lines..